About The Male Yeast Infection


Few people are even aware that a male can get a yeast infection, and the disease can lead to dangerous consequences. The problem is that a male rarely knows that he even has the problem until it has cropped up in other medical problems. With a female it is totally different as her body has ways of notifying her, so that she can react with the proper medicines immediately. Usually when a female tells her doctor that she has an infection, the doctor will tell her male counterpart to also take some kind of anti-fungal medicine, lest he give it back to her later on.

It is highly unfortunate that most males are not aware that yeast can and does travel upward into his urethral canal, and from there it may create problems with his kidneys and his bladder. Granted, most infections found in the male are from unprotected sex with an infected female, but there are many other causes of these infections.

A good number of them are caused when the male is given antibiotics for one reason or another having nothing to do with a yeast infection. The problem is that antibiotics nullify good bacteria, and encourage candida growth. However, those males who consume a high amount of sugary foods, wheat and corn products or peanuts along with either beer or other alcohols may find that they have encouraged the infection.

Although there are a litany of symptoms of having such an infection, some of these may include but not limited to prostate problems, bad breath, athlete’s foot, bloating, jock itch, intestinal gas as well as indigestion, memory loss, sexual dysfunction, extreme fatigue, irritability and possible mood swings. In addition, the male may also suffer from a very irritated penis especially if the male is uncircumcised because yeast needs both moisture and heat in order to survive or exist on human skin. Doctors have noted that a male with diabetes has a much higher chance of contracting such a yeast infection as well. The reason is that yeast thrives so well in sugar, and since diabetics have a greater chance of elevated sugars, it stands to reason that they may get more yeast infections.

In addition, those males who for some reason or other have some kind of suppressed immunology are often those who contract a yeast infection. This of course includes males who have certain cancers, or have contracted AIDS or are HIV positive. However scientists have also narrowed it down to those who are undergoing a tremendous amount of stress in their lives, or some that may be undergoing the additional stresses of other illnesses when they are also attacked by a merciless yeast infection.

Penile yeast infections may actually cause skin cells to change, redness follows, and eventually the penile skin may break or crack. When this begins to happen, erections are so painful that the male will refuse to have sex due to the excruciating pain involved. According to medical authorities, some gay males are also known to have anal yeast infections as well due to their lifestyle.

Occasionally a male will get very similar symptoms as a female when he has a yeast infection. That means that the penis will exude a white discharge that is similar to the female, thus it will be clumpy. Also he may complain of a tremendous amount of itching inside the affected penis. Although extremely rare, there are a few cases of yeast affecting the prostate gland of some men. One thing is certain a male suffering from a male yeast infection is going to be exceptionally uncomfortable.


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