Advanced Meditation – The Practise Of Non-Duality


In The Practise of Advanced Meditation the goal is to merge the idea of duality into that of non-duality.

In yoga philosophy this is known as Davita (duality) – Advaita (non-duality) and covers the vast spectrum of universality. Davita is the concept of me and mine, high and low, them and me, creator consciousness -soul consciousness.

Whereas Advaita is the doctrine of non-dualism or monism being that nothing is separate, as consciousness we are indeed part of a whole which is infinite consciousness hence the teachings that we are a bubble in the ocean of consciousness and once we realize that we are the same as the ocean and part but not separate.

According to yoga philosophy meditation is the means to the end a path along which we tread on a journey of discovery and discipline.

Meditation according to Patanjali the Siddha Master who wrote the laws of ancient yoga philosophies which shows us the steps to enlightenment through purification, control and transcendence of the mind. Amongst his greatest works is the ‘Yoga Sutras’ recording the Astanga Yoga or eight limb practise as a path to Self Realisation.

Dhyana the seventh step is Patanjali’s instruction of sustained concentration stating that meditation is a state of mind that is quiet alert, a powerfully concentrated state wherein new knowledge and insights are awakened from within as awareness focuses one-pointedly on an object or specific line of thought. All of this is within the practise of Raj Yoga although at this level of meditation we still find duality.

Samadhi the eighth and final discipline advised by Patanjali is the goal of advanced meditation which leads the practitioner into non-duality the principal of everything is one or Samata – a state often referred to as ‘Enstasy‘ a concept which refers to standing in oneself – sameness, union, wholeness, completion and accomplishment.

Samadhi is the state required of the true Yogi that one who walks on the path of San Marga the state where the meditator and the object of the meditation is one.

Here there are again two levels: 

  1. The first is Savikalpa Samadhi (Enstasy with form and seed) this is where you have identification or oneness with the essence of the object. Its highest form is the realisation of the primal substratum or pure consciousness ‘Satchitananda’.
  2. The second is Nirvikalpa Samadhi (Enstasy without form or seed) identification with the self in which all modes of consciousness are transcended and absolute reality – beyond time, form and space is experienced; this experience of course brings about a complete transformation of consciousness.

How Is This Journey Of Meditation Embarked Upon?

The first requisite is you need a qualified and experienced practitioner, one who has acquired the knowledge and expertise, the necessary knowhow to guide you safety, assisting you as you embark on the journey not only of self-discovery but conscious non-duality.

Before you begin advanced meditation remember that it will create a movement of consciousness, it will be an awakening not only a movement of energy but a rebirth into a consciousness beyond the conscious states of body, mind and soul moving into the fourth state of consciousness which is beyond the states of wakefulness, the dream state and deep sleep.

For many of you who have gained the right of passage and are now ready to begin advanced meditation you may feel that you are at a crossroad and the right path ahead is not clear, it is as though a mystery has presented itself and a mist hangs of indecision over the right direction to take – you may feel that uncertainty has entered your mind.

This is the time when yogis believe a teacher is necessary not any teacher but a true Guru. Guru translated from Sanskrit is teacher, but for the journey of discovery you are about to embark upon you need a spiritual teacher who has journeyed this path many times and has returned to help others past the pitfalls and dangers ahead.

These barriers along the path of the advanced meditator are recorded in Patanjali’s ‘Yoga Sutras’ as terrible temptations arising from physic powers and believe me you will attain these powers but be careful or otherwise as Patanjali advises the cloud of virtue will not be yours, neither will Savikalpa Samadhi.

The guru is not GOD or any more part of the Godhead than you, but they are energetically closer. They have journeyed past the realms of duality and reached the destination of non-duality where the meditator and the meditation is one – a merging of consciousness.

In Lineage Yoga the aspirant usually enters the brotherhood of the initiates and receives Initiation a promise is given by the young initiate to the elder or teacher, a promise of not only loyalty to the teacher but also to the teachings. An energetic bond is created which lasts until the initiate has reached the level of non-duality.

Working in close contact with your teacher will enable you to discuss the outcomes as well as the experiences during your meditation. By observing this procedure you will be able to work through the levels of the mind, (as necessary) then with knowledge be able to discern the real from the un-real.

Perhaps during this period of teacher – pupil relationship you will receive a mantra, a mystic formula comprising of a sound, a syllable, word or phrase with special powers.

Quite often they contain names of gods or scriptural phrases which when repeated invoke a powerful force field of love and protection, a positive tool to achieve the one pointed concentration required in advanced meditation the discipline required in Dhyana.

The only negative perhaps in all this is that you yourself must make the effort, you must listen and learn and if you go against the direction of your chosen guide and lose yourself on the journey, you must return to the guide and re-establish your instruction so that the journey may continue.



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