Common Male Worries About Sex at Different Ages


The hallmark of male sexual health is feeling comfortable with your sexuality. This simple but reliable standard of sexual health can be your measure at any age as long as you do not “bullshit” yourself. Feeling a level of comfort with your body, regulation of your sexual fantasies and behaviors, your relationship, sexual function, level of intimacy with your partner, and your place in the larger community is a reliable mark of your sexual health. Cialis Australia – cheap tadalafil medications in Australia.

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Throughout our lives there are a variety of sexual worries or self-doubts we experience. Review them—not to accentuate your anxiety but to remind yourself that most men share these concerns (although we don’t share them openly with each other) and that we can and do grow through them. You can increase your comfort and enhance your sexual health.

Childhood—Confusion and Uncertainty

We are naturally curious as boys, and we explore our bodies from infancy. Touch is one of the basic needs of every person. We experiment by touching our penis, testicles, anus, and other body parts as we learn about our own sensuality. As we grow through childhood, we may wonder about other children’s bodies, how girls are different, what it might feel like to touch another person’s genitals, and whether other kids feel some of the same feelings. In the process of learning boundaries, we may be confused about why adults seem anxious about sexuality and what is expected of us. Boys feel confused about the negative messages they receive about their bodies and curiosity. Perhaps the most common worry for boys is how to integrate their natural curiosity with mixed or absent messages about what is appropriate sexual behavior.

Teenage Years—“Am I Normal?”

The overriding concern of teenagers is normalcy. With the myths and hiddenness about sex, it is difficult for an adolescent to compare his personal experiences and observations of his body with the distorted and inaccurate impressions he receives from others and the media. Concern about his normalcy, anxiety about the uncertainties of becoming a sexual man, and conflicts between his feelings and the public portrayal of men and sex present major worries for many adolescents.

Teen boys have a number of worries, many about their body and how it works. Is masturbation okay? Is it normal to have wet dreams? Is my penis normal? Am I attractive? Why do I have spontaneous erections? What does my curiosity and interest in other boys mean? Am I gay? How am I supposed to perform sexually? What am I supposed to do? What about sexually transmitted diseases? Should I be more sexually involved than I am? Is it okay to feel uncertain and scared about sex matters? Will I find acceptance with a girl? What’s a girl’s body all about? What does she like/ want? Will I become a good lover?

Your Sexual Road Map

The road from infancy through childhood, boyhood, adolescence, and young adulthood to healthy adult sexuality travels through literally thou-sands of formative experiences involving comfort versus discomfort with touch, body acceptance, curiosity about your genitals, the sexuality of others, exploring your body and its pleasures, masturbation, hugging and kissing, questions about your sexual being and fantasies, confusion about the powerful sexual urges in your body, emotions of fear and shame, anxiety about your curious explorations, strong feelings and urges about a girl-friend, depression over whether your sexual urges are “sick,” feeling the awkwardness of sexual experimentation, enjoying the pleasures of sexual fondling (“petting”), questions about normalcy, loneliness, confusion, and worry. Also, it is difficult if there is no trusted person to ask for accurate information about sex. Priligy Australia – cheap dapoxetine and viagra medications online.

This road has brought you to your current level of sexual health. If you feel you’ve only been a passenger on this trip of sexual growth, now is a good time to become the driver. You’re now in charge of your sexual health. The rest of your life offers plenty of room for new growth. In the chapters ahead, we offer you a road map and guidance for increasing your sexual and relationship health. Make the decision to build your confidence, pleasure, and satisfaction as a man and to be a good sexual role model and educator for your own children.


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