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Five Options for Enjoying Nut Free Snacks


If your kid suffers from peanut allergies or other kinds of tree nut allergies, you can no longer give him/her peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for snacking as it will trigger a life threatening allergic response which may require ER treatment. However, there are lots of nut free snacks choices for your kid and you can take your pick from homemade, nutritious snacks and store bought goodies.


Homemade muffins loaded with fruit bits can act as a great snacking option for kids and adults alike. Just make sure that you use gluten and nut free ingredients. You will find a million recipes online for for this, super yummy, fruity muffins at home.


Fruits are perhaps the best option. Fruits are healthy, loaded with vitamins, minerals and other kinds of nutrients and are fiber rich. Force your child to eat a few servings of fruit every day.

Fruits like strawberries (with cream), blueberries, blackberries or raspberries, watermelons, pomegranates, sweet mangos, black grapes, guavas, pineapples, cantaloupes, mandarins, oranges and avocados are yummy, colorful and healthy all at the same time.

You can prepare a colorful fruit salad or banana bread for your kids. Squeeze some lemon juice on top of the fruit salad to prevent them from browning. You can also prepare fruit tarts or fruit pies or mix them in with nut free, allergy free breakfast cereals.

Choose seasonal, fresh fruits instead of canned, sweetened fruits. Fruits mixed with yoghurt also make for healthy, nut free snacking options. Other nut free snacking options are dried fruits – dried mangoes, raisins, dried apricots and so on.

Stuffed Snacks

Stuffed snacks can be both healthy and quick to prepare. You can stuff healthy items like cheese, bean dip, hummus or avocado, jalapeno, cilantro dip inside pita breads or bagels or baguettes or ciabatta breads.

Load them with salad greens and tomatoes. You can also toss in a healthy homemade chicken or turkey patty inside pita bread for extra bite and meat. It takes less than 10 minutes to prepare these nut free, healthy, stuffed snacks and makes for a great finger food on football evenings. Just make sure that you do not use whole grain breads that contain traces of nuts on the top. Gluten and free from nuts breads are perfect.

Snacks Free From Nuts

Nowadays online stores, supermarkets, gourmet chocolate shoppes and neighborhood bakeries sell a huge variety of nut free snacks that are free of peanuts, tree nuts, other kinds of allergens and which are manufactured in allergen and nut free facilities.

You have at your disposal free from nut candies, cookies, chocolates, cakes, pastries, ice creams, gelatos, sundaes, ice cream sandwiches, donuts, snack crackers, biscuits and cup cakes as well as blizzards, fruit smoothies, brownies and breads. You just name it and they have it – in all the colors of the rainbow, in all shapes and sizes, tastes and flavors.



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