How to Avoid Razor Bumps


Humans have evolved over many years. Lots of great features have appeared including sight, hearing and a brain. One of the more redundant things that we have evolved is hair. Hair covers a large part of the human body and both men and women need to shave to keep it in check.

Shaving can however be quite traumatic and a common infliction is something called pseudofolliculitis barbae. These pimples can be extremely painful and this article is going to explain how to avoid razor bump.

Razor bumps are one of the pains that come with having a smooth face, legs or in fact any other part of the body. They appear as painful little red pimples and if left untreated they can become swollen and infected. Although they seem to only affect certain people, Razor bumps are an extremely common infliction and can really happen to anyone.

These painful pimples have a simple cause. They are caused when a shortly cut hair curls back on the skin, pierces it and continues to grow back into the skin. Unfortunately the main cause of razor bumps is a close shave; the closer you shave the more likely you will be to get the painful pimples. And let us not kid ourselves here, they can be extremely painful.

Both sexes are at risk of the dreaded bumps but women tend to get them more often. Nobody knows why but a guess could be that a women’s razor is not kept in as good condition as a men’s would be, simply because a man’s face is more sensitive that a women’s legs. Also unfortunately for women the bits that are likely to be affected are the more discrete areas.

The good news is that they can both be treated and avoided all together. The best way to avoid razor bumps is to avoid the razor altogether but this is not always possible. As we mentioned above the razor bumps are caused by an extremely close shave so a more realistic approach is to avoid a close shave.

So how to avoid razor bumps? The best approach is to use some kind of adjustable razor to ensure that you are not cutting right next to the skin. There are a number of electric razors that have fully adjustable cutting heights and these would ensure that you were not cutting to short as well as avoiding the other annoyances that a standard razor can cause.




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