How to Cure Yeast Infection in Men at Home


Men can acquire yeast infections as well as women. But there are a couple of issues surrounding male yeast infection that makes it a little bit more difficult to cure…

  • The first is that the symptoms of a yeast infection in men can take much longer to surface than in women. This has the effect that when they do occur the infection has had some time to take hold and so can be more difficult to cure.
  • The second issue is that males, in general, are much less likely to go to the doctor about such matters and are less likely to go to the pharmacy to discuss over-the-counter medications for their affliction.

So together these issues can make a cure for yeast infection in men that much harder to achieve.

But, like many males, if you are embarrassed to seek over-the-counter drug-based cures or you just don’t like taking drugs, there is an alternative and that is to use natural home remedies to cure your infection.

However, before you start on your cure you first need to get a diagnosis from your doctor that you have a yeast infection. This is important because the symptoms can also be the signs of other conditions, e.g. STDs (sexually transmitted diseases).

So assuming that you have been diagnosed with male yeast infection you can start to consider some of the home remedies out there…

1. Garlic

Eating fresh garlic daily can help to kill the Candida albicans fungus that causes yeast infections. Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic. If the thought of eating raw garlic puts you off then taking it in the form of a supplement can be effective too.

2. Yogurt

Natural yogurt without sugar, fruit or any other additives contains friendly bacteria that can fight the Candida fungus. Make sure that the tub says something like “contains live cultures” on it. Eat a cup per day to help build-up the good bacteria population in your gut. You could also apply it topically to the affected area.

3. Cranberries

Polyphenols present in cranberry can prevent the overgrowth of the Candida fungus. You can take them in the form of juice (pure or mixed), tablets, dried fruit or infusions.

4. Herbs

There are many herbs that you can use to help cure yeast infection at home. Typical of these herbs are licorice, chamomile, goldenseal and Pau-d’arco. Depending on the herb, these kinds of remedies can be taken as infusions, consumed, or applied topically as pastes or tinctures.

5. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw apple cider vinegar has the ability to rebalance your body’s natural pH and in doing so can help to thwart the Candida fungus whilst encouraging your friendly bacteria. You can drink it diluted — 2 or 3 teaspoons in a large glass of water — or apply it diluted directly to the affected area.

These are just 5 tips on how to cure yeast infection in men naturally and which many sufferers have used to great effect.


But prevention is better than cure and so there are several important adjustments you need to make in things like your lifestyle and diet to achieve that.

Unfortunately, these are beyond the scope of this article but are vital because they address the root causes of yeast infections, not just the symptoms.




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