SerratioPeptidase Is a Potent Anti-Inflammatory Enzyme


Protein metabolizes with the help of Proteolytic enzymes. They assist in carrying out various important functions of the body. Living organisms and the human bodies produce these enzymes naturally. Complementing these enzymes has an advantageous anti-inflammatory effect on the body tissues. Serratiopeptidase is a one of a kind enzyme that is now emerging as one of the most effective anti-inflammatory supplements.

Enterobacteria Serratia E15 a non-pathogenic bacteria is completely different from the enzyme Serratiopeptidase. Like the silk worm, this enzyme populaces in the intestine. Silkworms undergo a change within a cocoon where it turns into moths. The silk worm dissolves within the cocoon and transform into a moth with the help of this particular enzyme.

Serratiopeptidase contains strong anti-inflammatory properties and is specifically useful for post-traumatic swelling, bronchitis and fibrocystic breast disease. This enzyme can digest blood clots, dead tissues, arterial plaques and cysts. It is clinically proven that this enzyme is has the potential to metabolize scar tissues in the body and reduce edema and swelling.

A study done in 2003 states that the mucous build up in the respiratory track was effective reduced and loosened with 30mg of serratiopeptidase.The credit was given to the enzyme’s capability to develop the viscoelasticity of the sputum among patients with chronic airway disease and lessen the neutrophil white blood cell numbers.

Serratiopeptidase is also popular for its capacity to lessen the pain by obstructing the release of pain-inducing molecules from swollen tissues. It does not have any identified side effects. Aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen which are called anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (NSAID`s) are the most common pain-reducing aids. These aids are known as hepatic glutathione and deplete renal drugs and lessen critical B vitamins from the body and drop minerals that cause kidney, stomach, heart and liver problems.

In the year 2008, aspirin and two human pancreatic proteolytic enzymes (trypsin and chymotrypsin) were compared to Serratiopeptidase and its anti-inflammatory activities. The study revealed that all the groups were effective is lessening inflammation but serratiopeptidase was the most effective. It was established that there are effective in decreasing the pain intensity in individuals with sprained ankles and carpel tunnel and reduce swelling. Similar anti-inflammatory effects were shown by other studies after performing an oral surgery.

A study to check the role of serratiopeptidase on improving immunity was considered in the year 2006. In an animal experiment that included a group of rats’ were implanted with biofilm-forming bacteria (Staphylococcus epidermis). The group of rats induced with serratiopeptidase was highly effective at removing this infection. The researchers attributed the antibiofilm properties as the key factor of this specific enzyme in eradicating the infection. It is assumed that this enzyme may also be useful in making antibodies more effective.

Europe and Asia has been using Serratiopeptidase for more than thirty years. Comparatively, in Canada and United States it is still reasonably new. Though the initial outcomes of the enzyme are promising, many experts approve of more research on the enzyme. This compound with its exceptional results is being used by many supplement manufacturers. Serratiopeptidase seems to be an important player in anti-inflammatory procedures of the future.



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